• For bucket elevators and pneumatic, belt and screw conveyors
• Inexpensive, reliable, and cost-effective alternative to impact, belt, hopper and volumetric weigh scales
• One day installation
• Easy calibration
• No mechanical wear parts or contact with process flow
How it works:
The system monitors power consumption of the electric motor and computes the weight and flow rate of the dry bulk solid transported. This reliable technology has been proven in over 1600 systems worldwide.
- Railcar Loading – conventional weigh systems are not economical for many facilities. Destination weights are used for point-of-sale considerations.
- Truck Loading – weigh the product as the trucks are loaded. Eliminate second passes to add or remove product after weighing on the platform truck scale.
- Inventory – monitor the transfer of the products within your facility and keep track of inventory levels.
- Process Monitoring/Flowmeter – monitor the flow rate to dryers, crushers, mills, etc.
Delivering solutions with Safety, Integrity, Innovation, and Performance since 1992
612-418-8610 dustin@carvercompany.com
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